How do you go about requesting parental leave with your manager? This simple email template ensures you’re covering all the necessary details when requesting parental leave.
In some countries, you’re required to give notice to your employer at least 10 weeks before starting your paid and/or unpaid parental leave — it’s recommended that you check this requirement for your country so that you’re well prepared. This notice needs to be in writing and should state how much leave you want to take, including the starting and finishing dates. These dates can later be confirmed within a stipulated period of your leave commencing.
Below is a suggested template but as always, feel free to edit and make your own.
Request to take parental leave
A few months ago, I shared with you that I am expecting and my due date is [insert date]. This letter is to advise in writing that I would like to take parental leave, beginning [insert date].
I anticipate taking [insert number of weeks’ leave up to the maximum allowed] weeks unpaid parental leave.
- Optional: I note that under [employer’s] policy, I am eligible to be paid [insert number] weeks’ parental leave during this time.
- Optional: I would also like to access my accrued annual/long service leave of [insert number] weeks during this time.
Before commencing parental leave, I will work with you to ensure the handover process is completed and I am able to meet your expectations.
I anticipate returning to work on [insert date] and look forward to returning to work in my role of [insert role title].
Please let me know what paperwork or other information you may require regarding my parental leave and I will provide this to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support.