5 minutes with Executive GM, People and Corporate Services at Powerlink, Leigh Pickering

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Give a warm welcome to the newest member of our Circle, Powerlink. 

Some companies just get it – a caring workplace equals a happy and productive workplace. And if there’s one company that understands, it’s our newest partner, Powerlink, a leading Australian provider of high-voltage electricity transmission network services.  

Here are some highlights from a recent chat between our Head of Customer Success, Julia Bickley, and Leigh Pickering, Executive GM, People and Corporate Services at Powerlink.

Why was it important for you to invest in a program such as Circle In for your people?

Powerlink is in the midst of a massive transformation. We are at the center of all the renewable energy upgrades in Queensland and it’s really important for us to be able to recruit and attract new quality talent to the business. We want to ensure that when we’ve got people here, they want to stay and have a really good relationship with us. We want to make sure that we’re able to reach out and support them in all stages of their life, to make sure that it’s somewhere they want to come and work, and really contribute because we’ve got a lot of work to do.

Why Circle In?

There’s a lot of information out there to help people navigate different things in their life, but not all of it you can trust or you’re not quite sure if it’s leading you in the right direction. Circle In helps our leaders to support our people through that journey. As a leader, I really enjoy the push notices to help guide us when we’ve got people on parental leave to regularly reach out and touch base with them.

What problem is Circle In solving for Powerlink?

We’re at the heart of the energy transformation in Queensland, and we want to make sure that we offer a workplace that people want to come and work for and feel supported. The best way to do that is to have leaders in the organization who can understand what employees are going through and how to support them, but also for our employees to have reliable sources of information to help them navigate those parts of life.

What are you most excited about with the platform and the partnership?

This partnership demonstrates how we’re striving to be an inclusive workplace where it’s okay to come with challenges from outside. You will still be supported. There are videos, helpful links, and stories of people who’ve been through a similar journey.

What does success look like for you in supporting your families and caregivers?

It’s being able to attract and retain those people. The proof is in the pudding for us; we have employees recommending Powerlink as a great place to work. They want to stay because they feel supported but also because they feel confident to be able to openly contribute and have conversations in a psychologically safe environment. We’re going to need every person we can get to help us through the energy transformation. We spend so much time in our workplaces, it’s really important that people feel supported and really enjoy what they do and a big part of that is being able to bring your full self to work.

We are proud to welcome Powerlink to our Circle and look forward to supporting their people in all of the moments that matter.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can support your employees, click here to talk to us today.

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Thank you for being a progressive leader and supporting your working caregivers.

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