Coca-Cola Amatil New Zealand launch Circle In Parents Portal

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Coca-Cola Amatil NZ, recognised as one of the best employers in New Zealand and responsible for employing more than 1,000 Kiwis, has levelled up its support for working parents by launching Circle In’s portal. 

After working with Coca-Cola Amatil in Australia for the last fifteen months, we are delighted to welcome their New Zealand counterparts into the Circle! 

Coca-Cola Amatil New Zealand (Amatil NZ) has been recognised as an AON Best Employer every year since 2016. In addition, Amatil NZ has recently won the Gold medal at the HRD Employer of Choice Awards in 2019. Both awards are in recognition for excellence in key areas such as work-life balance, recruitment, career progression, training & development, health & wellbeing and access to technology & resources. 

“We understood quite early on that we need to adapt to the needs of our people. We focus on not only listening but acting on employee feedback then using it to shape our priorities and the future of Amatil New Zealand,” says Susan Lowe, GM of People & Culture at Amatil NZ.

“That’s why we’re delighted to announce that Amatil NZ has launched the Circle In Parents Portal, a personalised platform for working parents and carers at the company”. 

The portal’s introduction is part of a wider review of Amatil NZ’s parental leave policy and benefits that plans to increase support for parents transitioning back to work. It adds an extra level of support for both line managers and employees in addition to existing benefits for working parents. Current benefits include full rate annual leave accrual, 6 weeks full paid leave, and two weeks paid partners leave. 

Circle In is delighted to be working with Coca-Cola Amatil New Zealand on this exciting employee initiative.

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