Pitcher Partners Melbourne launches Circle In platform

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Circle In has teamed up with accounting firm Pitcher Partners Melbourne to launch a support portal for working parents. 

Pitcher Partners Melbourne is committed to aiding its 800+ employees balance their work, life and family commitments.

One of the largest accounting firms in the city, its latest move is to adopt the Circle In portal, which supports Pitcher Partners Melbourne staff on any stage of their parenting journey—whether planning for a baby, currently expecting, on parental leave or already raising a family. The portal will also assist its managers to directly support employees taking parental leave or returning to work.

“Our business is all about relationships and providing the best possible outcomes to our clients. For us to do this, we need great people who enjoy coming to work each day and who feel valued and supported. We are focused on assisting our people to balance their work, life and family commitments.

“Circle In is a great addition to our programs, providing our working families with a comprehensive range of information and support across the whole cycle of being a parent,” says Krithika Hansen, Director – People Experience.

In late 2018, Pitcher Partners Melbourne’s refreshed Parental Leave Policy enabled all employees, regardless of gender, to access 14 weeks of paid parental leave. It also took the more unusual step of providing grandparents with a week’s paid leave to support their family and enjoy their new grandchild.

As part of its commitment to working parents, the firm offers employees a range of flexible working arrangements, including flextime, part-time work, working from multiple offices, working from home and purchased leave.

Circle In is delighted to be working with Pitchers Partners Melbourne on this exciting employee initiative.

Image, from left: Brendan Britten (Managing Partner), Melanie Dawes (Partner – Business Advisory and Assurance), Kate Pollard (Circle In co-founder), Krithika Hansen (Director, People Experience).

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