Different types of families

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This journey is for managers and people leaders who want to increase their knowledge of the many varied family constructs to create inclusive workplaces.


How do families come together? It’s a discussion we need to be having to create awareness that every family is different, to bring representation to all families, and to reflect on how families are portrayed in the world.

From rainbow families to adoptive families to friendship families, explore the many different types of families and discover tips to create respectful and inclusive workplaces.

Diverse pathways to parenthood

Bringing a child into a family can take many forms — all equally special and exciting for parents-to-be. For those of you curious about diverse family constructs, let’s explore some alternative pathways to parenthood including adoption, fostering, donor conception, and surrogacy.

6 ways to build attachment with your adopted child

Secure attachment is an important part of a parent/child relationship. In adoptive families, lots of intentional work might need to be done to get there. What are some of the ways that parents of adopted children might build connection?

Up your co-parenting game with these online resources

Managers who recognize the unique challenges an employee faces when co-parenting after divorce or separation can make a world of difference. Take a deep dive into the most popular practical e-tools for co-parents so you can better appreciate the day-to-day challenges they might be facing.

Supporting rainbow families

The juggle is real for every employee, regardless of which family model they’re part of. You don’t have to know every detail about their personal life, but you must foster a supportive workplace culture.

How to navigate changes in working arrangements for a newly single or co-parent

Separation or divorce can cause stress and changes that can (but might not!) impact an employee’s productivity and their need for flexibility. What might they be going through and how can you, their manager, show up with empathy?

Joseph Gallego Iori shares his journey to parenthood via surrogacy

“Having a child via surrogacy is full of twists and turns, even if you’ve done all your homework,” says General Manager Joseph Gallego Iori. He shares the story of building his family through surrogacy and how ‘me time’ is having all sorts of awesome family adventures together in the backyard!

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