The Fatherhood Trap: Why Australian Dads Want To Take Parental Leave But Don’t (Or Can’t)

feat. James Kelly (Lifestyle Communities), Dean Whitehouse (Grant Thornton), Rowan Kendall (Ashurst), Jason Lee (Energy Australia), Rob Sturrock (Dad, Author) & Kate Pollard (Circle In)

Meet our guests

James Kelly

Managing Director, Lifestyle Communities Limited

Dean Whitehouse

Service Delivery Manager, Grant Thornton

Rowan Kendall

Senior Associate, Ashurst

Jason Lee

Maintenance Leader, EnergyAustralia

Rob Sturrock

Dad, Author

Kate Pollard

Co-Founder, Circle In

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Three quarters of Dad’s want to take paid parental leave but a third of organisations don’t offer it*. Of those who haven’t taken leave, 70% say it’s the culture at their workplace that has prevented them.

So, what do we need to do to ensure the dial shifts when it comes to Dad’s taking parental leave? And how does Dads taking leave enable them to play a larger role in their family as well as support gender equality?

In this webinar you will hear from our panel on their experiences, the importance of role-modelling, and practical examples for organisations to step up.

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