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Julia Bickley: One person can change the world, one decision at a time

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In September we welcomed our first team member in Queensland, Julia (Jules) Bickley! Jules is the latest addition to our growing Customer Success team. She has hit the ground running and has already received amazing reviews from our customers (what better way to kickstart month one!)

Julia’s story is one of blended skills, a back and forth between start up land and corporate and a continuous journey of driving positive and impactful change. She considers herself a future state visionary and loves that her role at Circle In provides her with “oodles of opportunities to contribute to drive [our customer engagement] strategy forward and constantly envision what’s next.”

When asked what drew her to Circle In, Jules says, “I love the fast-paced nature of start-ups, no day is the same and the constant evolution is both challenging and creatively rewarding. Not to mention, I resonate with the need for this type of platform in the workplace – being a single mama to a teenage son myself!”

Like all of us on the Circle In team, Jules loves a challenge. She is passionate about our vision and what this means for employee experiences in the years to come.

“I always say the journey to making concrete, sustainable change in the way workplaces respond to key issues such as gender equality, workplace flexibility and improving the employee experience is a marathon, not a sprint. We are often up against deeply ingrained practices, mindsets and biases that can take time to change. The greatest satisfaction that I gain from my work is being able to contribute to inspiring and supporting that change, and finding tangible ways for workplaces to achieve their goals. One person can change the world, one decision, one conversation, and one moment at a time.”

We asked Jules her three big observations about our culture, and here’s what she had to say: 

  1. We play as a team: I love that we always have each other’s back, support each other on the tough days and celebrate each other on the great ones!
  2. We’re real, always: We’re a passionate bunch and our leaders recognise that with this passion and drive to do more, self care is paramount. They make a very conscious effort to encourage us all to take time for ourselves too and imbed self-care into our daily routines.
  3. We make amazing things happen: There is such a culture of openness, acceptance and encouragement to share. I never hold back from communicating an idea or opportunity because I know it will be met with constructive feedback and positivity!

Along with this boundless energy and a drive to create change is a budding artist! Julia loves to paint, restore furniture, design jewellery, and create resin artworks! When she’s not at work, you’ll find Jules camping in the hinterlands with her son, Ruben, and enjoying some downtime with a handful of chai chocolate almonds that came recommended by a member of our Tech team!

Want to find out how we can help you better support your parents and carers? Get in touch here. 

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