How Coca-Cola Europacific Partners has improved gender equity across its dispersed workforce with Circle In
About Coca-Cola Europacific Partners
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) is the largest Coca-Cola bottler in the world and one of the largest bottlers and distributors of non-alcoholic and alcoholic ready-to-drink beverages in the Asia Pacific region.
The challenge
As part of the rollout of its Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Strategy, Everyone’s Welcome, CCEP wanted to find a solution to support its people so everyone could thrive at work no matter their circumstances. With a key goal of increasing gender equity, CCEP was looking to improve how it supported parents and carers who are spread across multiple sites in Australia, and tackle the added challenge of supporting caregiving shift workers who are largely non-desk-based.
The solution
CCEP partnered with Circle In to provide a consistent support experience for all employees. In the past, support for working caregivers had been ad-hoc or limited and was largely dependent on the skills of individual managers. CCEP wanted a solution that would better support returning parents to integrate back into the workplace and ensure highly talented people — largely women — didn’t leave because they couldn’t strike the right balance between work and home responsibilities.
Through our partnership, CCEP has now created a Parents & Carers Portal with tools and resources so people can navigate their unique experiences. The resources can be accessed 24/7 and support both leaders and caregiving employees at all stages of their life’s journey.
Our impact
- CCEP’s gender composition has improved 0.8% in their 2022/23 WGEA submission.
- In 2022/23, the number of women leaving decreased by 5% and CCEP is retaining more women full-time permanent managers compared to 2022.
- In 2022/23, CCEP saw a shift in the number of men in full-time permanent manager roles taking primary carers leave up 5% from 2022. Plus, the number of men taking secondary carers leave in full-time permanent manager roles doubled, and fewer people ceased employment whilst on parental leave.
- Engagement survey results showed that 80% of the workforce feels included due to a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued, and 74% of the workforce can successfully balance work and personal life, with Circle In contributing to this increased score.
“Our focus is to create a workplace where everyone feels welcome. We have a diverse workforce and we want our people to be the best they can be both at work and in their personal lives. Circle In gave us a platform that ticked all boxes. Our leaders know where to go to get help and support for them and their people, and our parents and carers have support anytime, anywhere.” – Nicole Main, OD Leadership Partner, CCEP

Company name
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners
Number of employees
ESG impact dimension
Gender, Diversity and Inclusion